Worth It All
To reach the ends of the earth requires sacrificial perseverance. Here's the thing: we don't sacrifice unless we think it's worth it. Dieting and exercise isn't worth it unless my health or appearance changes. The cost of that hair treatment isn't worth it unless I like how it looks. Working extra hours isn't worth it…
God Is In Control
If our church is going to be unstoppable, we need to learn how to trust God in the midst of seemingly devastating circumstances. When there is disappointment, when God doesn't seem to hear our cries, when our faith is weak, when leaders are taken out, when the church seems stopped by evil doers, we must…
Unstoppable Hunger
What does it take to plant a church and grow it to maturity? Hunger...people who are spiritually hungry. The church at Antioch is a model church for us today. If we are going to be a mature church that pursues Christ's mandate to make disciples of all nations, we must be spiritually hungry, and thereby nourished…
Clarity About Healing
Whenever we talk about something that is supernatural, there is a greater chance for confusion because it is just that...above the natural. Different than we normally experience. Beyond rational and almost beyond believable. So what do we do with the miracles in the Bible? Even more important, how do we explain miracles that happen today?…
True Conversion
If you buy a bag labeled "Genuine Leather," what do you expect you are getting? Real leather, right? It looks real. It feels real. It smells real. But did you know it is often not real! The label "Genuine Leather" is purposefully unclear and meant to mislead the buyer. It actually means 'not the best…