Unceasing Prayer (Colossians 1:9-14)
Unceasing Prayer is one of our 4 Pillars (hyperlink to our website) that express our church's values. Nothing is more basic to the Christian life than prayer. But many of us have not been taught how to pray. The result is often praying for small or selfish things that stifle our desire to pray. But…
Learning God’s Goodness (Nahum 1:7)
As we conclude our study of "Learning to Live by Faith" we must explore the most foundational element of having faith. More than learning to wait, learning to listen, learning "faith skills," and what great faith is...we must learn that God is good. If you don't believe God is good, you won't be able to…
Learning Great Faith (Matthew 8:5-13 & 15:21-28)
As we ask God to "build a strong faith" (our theme in 2018), we need to see examples of great faith. There are only two times that Jesus pointed out that someone had great faith...both times from unexpected characters. To learn how to live in great faith, we must study the characteristics these two individuals…