
Longing to Receive the King (Luke 2:22-38)

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'Let Earth Receive Her King' is a wonderful line from the song, "Joy to the World," and the theme of our sermons this Christmas. How did the people in the Christmas story 'receive' Jesus? A righteous man and prophetess both were looking and longing for him. What if we longed for King Jesus in the…
Series: Let Earth Receive Her King, Sermons

Faith for the Future (Hebrews 11)

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Have you ever risked trusting God when it seems crazy and reckless? That's faith. It's so important to "build a strong faith" (our 2018 theme) that God included a whole chapter with 20 examples. The last theme-specific message on faith will encourage you to persevere in your faith with steadfast endurance long past 2018.
Series: Building A Strong Faith

Let The Gospel Out (Ephesians 2:11-22)

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How can we as the body of Christ, display the Gospel of Jesus Christ for a dying world to see? We need to REMEMBER who we used to be in the past and have a healthy relationship with our past and then we need to REALIZE what He has done for us in salvation for…
Series: Guest Speakers

Chasing the Shadows of Religion (Colossians 2:16-23)

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It is very common to chase after old practices of former religion or new teachings that advertise spirituality and mix them with belief in Christ. The problem is that they are man-made attempts to achieve enlightenment, obtain God's favor, or feel better about ourselves...religion that is a shadow of the real thing. Christ is greater…
Series: Greater Than - A Study On The Letter To The Colossians

Sufficient! (Colossians 2:9-15)

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Most believers find it easy to agree that Christ is supreme (Greater Than!), but then live like Christ is not sufficient. We agree with the greatness of Christ in theory, but walk an everyday life that shows that we think He is not enough. Christ plus my job, Christ plus my family, Christ plus my…
Series: Greater Than - A Study On The Letter To The Colossians

Walk with Christ (Colossians 2:6-8)

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Everyone of us lives our lives with elementary principles...basic building blocks of belief. These elementary principles shape our behaviors, values, and worldview. When we receive Christ these basic building blocks are revealed to be empty and inadequate to live the Christian life. Walking with Christ requires that our elementary principles are reshaped by the fullness…
Series: Greater Than - A Study On The Letter To The Colossians

Supernatural: He Can Do Anything (Matthew 14:13-21)

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When Jesus fed the 5000 he demonstrated that he was Supernatural. We learn that "he can do anything" as he provides food and trains his disciples. It all points to the greatest miracle that Jesus supernaturally does.
Series: Building A Strong Faith

Maturity Is the Goal (Colossians 2:1-5)

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Too often we think the start line of the Christian life is the finish line. We think, "If only people MEET Jesus, my work is done." Meeting Jesus is an important start, but God is most glorified when the finished line is reached...becoming MATURE in Christ.
Series: Greater Than - A Study On The Letter To The Colossians

Work for Christ – Servants of the Gospel (Colossians 1:24-29)

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As those reconciled by Christ, we have been given the job of being ambassadors of Christ. Like any job, our Master has requirements and responsibilities that are expected. How we serve the church as an usher, Harvest Kids assistant, worship team member, hospitality host, elder, or on the setup team is important to the Lord.…
Series: Greater Than - A Study On The Letter To The Colossians

Making Peace with God (Colossians 1:21-23)

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Peace. It slips out of our hands regularly and conflict ignites. Once lost, it is so difficult to find. What if there was a finished and lasting peace? What if lasting reconciliation, not just a cease-fire agreement is possible? Jesus Christ is Greater Than because he restores peace between God and those who put their…
Series: Greater Than - A Study On The Letter To The Colossians