Resource by Peter Park
If you’re just joining us, we are in week 3 of our series as we replant the church as Garden City. The first week, we looked at our name – how it’s so biblically rich and contextual. Last weekend, we talked about our value that the gospel is going to be prioritized in everything that we do. And we’re not going to do anything that’s not driven by or implied by, meaning it flows from, the gospel.
And this week we are looking at our mission. Why do we exist and what are we trying to do? In some ways, all churches are supposed to be doing the same kinds of things. No church is unique in that sense. But how we do them and how we talk about them can vary depending on the church and its context. And here at our church…
Mission: Garden City Church exists to advance Christ’s kingdom through a gospel movement of disciple-making disciples in KL and the world.
Now, that may sound like a lot, so let me break it down into four parts to make it easier to remember. Each of these could have a series on it but for time’s sake, we’re going to cover them all today. So here we go.
1. Advance Christ’s Kingdom – This is the – What? When Jesus was teaching his disciples to pray, one of the things he says in the Lord’s Prayer as many know it today is… Matt. 6 10 Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
And that’s our prayer as a church: God’s kingdom come and his be will done here in KL as it is in heaven. As we replant the church and we’re in a series about who we are and what we’re about, this is critical – we are not primarily about Garden City here. We’re not trying to expand our brand and push it out to the world. It’s not that we’re ashamed or embarrassed, but again, we are about the name and fame of Jesus here. That’s what we really care about.
Later in the same chp. Jesus – Matt. 6 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
The context of this verse: Jesus – Don’t worry about anything. Your heavenly Father loves you and will take care of you. So seek his kingdom first. See – You do this and everything else falls into place. Everything in our individual lives and in our church will be good and right if we get this first thing right. This is not just for the church, as a name or a building – because the church is neither of those things, but as the collective members that make up the church. What is the church and its mission statement without its people engaging in it and living it out? Just a bunch of empty words.
Ok. So what is Christ’s Kingdom? And what do we mean by advancing it? Generally speaking, Christ Kingdom has three components – Reign, Realm, People. Aspects that are already, and not yet. 3 Kingdoms…
Ask – Doesn’t God reign over everything? Yes. God’s universal reign. We can’t expand this and nothing can threaten God’s position as God over all. And that’s the first and one aspect of God’s rule/kingdom. But there’s also nuance. God has for a period of time allowed the enemy, and sin and death to rule on the earth. (Eph. 2:2)
And one day, when Jesus comes back, he will put a full end to Satan’s reign and he will reign supreme. And this heavenly kingdom, the future (second) kingdom, will be physical, not just spiritual. This heavenly kingdom will be established by Jesus and his second coming and fulfillment of all God’s promises.
It’s all interconnected. Christ’s kingdom we’re primarily talking about advancing and the role we play is in the third/last category – God’s redemptive kingdom through Jesus here and now.
Christ’s reign and redemption realized in all aspects, arenas, and areas of our world. Healing and restoration wherever sin has corrupted and broken. Pushing back darkness and bringing light. Glimpse of eternity in Christ’s eternal kingdom now. (Micah 6:8, Mt. 6:10, Ro. 8:19-23, Rev. 21:1-7)
What does Christ’s redemptive kingdom look like? (Redemption and…)
Righteousness – Conforming to God’s good and right standard – rightness with God and between man
Justice – Not just punishment for wrongdoing. Concern about people being treated and regarded as someone made in God’s image
We want to work to restore all that has been broken by sin. Anywhere people made in the image of God are not valued and treated as they ought to be inherent to their God given value – taken advantage of, hungry, trafficked, etc. The church should be found where any and all of these things are happening – speaking and bringing the hope of the gospel.
And I wish we could do it all. But the reality is we’re not in a position to do everything for everyone. We’re not going to solve every problem in the world, let alone all the problems in our city. But that’s not going to stop us from doing for some what we wish we could do for everyone.
Main outreach as a church – Refugee ministry. Often vulnerable, oppressed, taken advantage of. Needs – both physical and spiritual.
Encourage you to go to one of the opportunities to serve. Many in our church and those who have come to visit have said it has changed their lives.
BTW – Prayer. Riffing. “You kingdom come, your will be done in KL as it is in heaven…” Specific people, situations, etc. Nothing of any significance happens apart from prayer. Because we’re not capable of it. We need God to move.
Jesus – His kingdom not of this world. It’s not established like the kingdoms of man. Our war is not against flesh and blood. It’s not conquest. Not – we’re trying to take over. Advancing Christ’s kingdom is primarily spiritual with some necessary physical implications.
2. Gospel Movement – How? (We advance Christ’s kingdom) Ro. 1 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
The gospel is the power and primary message. The gospel of Jesus is the only thing, not one of many, that can bring salvation. So any efforts of ours apart from the gospel and God’s power are inadequate and will fall short. It’d be all in vain. (Luke 15:7, Acts 4:12, Ro. 1:16, Ro. 3:21-26, Ro. 6, Ro. 8, Eph. 1:3-14)
Because the gospel addresses the root problem that all problems come from. If we could end world starvation, that would be awesome. We should try to make it happen. But the reality is that a full stomach never got anyone into heaven. Only a forgiven and redeemed heart does.
So we cannot problem solve and fix only the symptoms. We want to treat the cause. I was sick a couple weeks ago. Bad – Allie: Mommy, I don’t want you to be a widow. First day I felt like I was not going to die and was going to live – The resurrected King is resurrecting me. Should have requested. Doctor – Gave me some cough meds, told me to take meds for my fever to treat the symptoms. But also gave me antibiotics to kill off the infection, to treat the reason why I had my symptoms.
The gospel is (our power and message) also our motivation – In the US – Local outreach partners – Not ashamed. Our volunteers should be the absolute best. Because whether you believe or not, they believe that the God of the universe loved and served them. So they are called to love and serve others to the same degree.
And that’s why there’s power behind our work. The Holy Spirit takes all our efforts and multiplies them and does work in people’s hearts we cannot do. And our good works oftentimes open the doors for opportunities to share the gospel message.
Two Extremes: “Just preach the gospel.” vs “Just good works.”
Just preach the gospel – It’s the only message that can save, it’s the only thing that matters. True. We’re going to talk about that here in a sec. But Jesus didn’t even “just preach the gospel,” and neither did the apostles. They had concern for the poor, the vulnerable, and people with real physical needs – like hunger.
The other group – Just do good works and put the gospel on display. Though the intention behind this thought may be good like with the “just preach the gospel” group, it is terribly insufficient. Because our good works for other people can never save them.
Quote: “Preach the gospel. If necessary, use words.” (Anyone heard this before?) Sometimes attributed to Francis of Assisi, but wrongly. (I’m not even going to put it up on the screen because it’s so terribly wrong.) To my kids – Give me a hug, but don’t touch me. Someone – Hey, WhatsApp me but don’t use my number. It makes no sense!
Here at this church we will not err on one side or the other. We will be a church about advancing Chris’t Kingdom in Word and deed because that’s what the Scriptures say is right. Faith leads to action. (James)
Clear – We will not grow our church by manipulation or schemes or selling good feelings or promises of a better life and more comfort and blessing – not unless by those things you mean more of Jesus.
Our goal is not to gather the largest crowd we can. But to advance Christ’s kingdom through a gospel movement of…
3. Disciple-Making Disciples – This is the “Who?” is going to make the mission happen. Who is going to do the work. Matt. 28 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
This is the mission, the Great Commission. One of the final things Jesus speaks and commands his disciples before he ascends to heaven. Must be important. Same – When Jesus first called his disciples, he told them – Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
The local church is God’s plan A to reach the nations and the church equips disciples who make disciples. Now, disciple-making includes but is not limited to evangelism and conversion. A mature and fully formed disciple who multiplies is the goal. And the Great Commission is in the hands of churches who raise up and send out disciples-making disciples. (Mk. 1:17, Mt. 22:37-39, Mt. 28:18-20, Col. 1:28-29)
Why “disciple-making disciples”? Sounds redundant. Unnecessary. Like – Whiteboards are white. Water is wet. – Hotly debated by scientists. KL is hot and rainy. KL is better than Singapore. Some things seem like everyone knows and it shouldn’t have to be said. Nasi Lemak – Why rendang? Goreng. Dua, Tiga – One of the first words I learned after moving here. (Might have offended some people.) Uncultured, ignorant, culturally insensitive. I apologize.
There are of course many aspects of being a disciple. Wanted emphasis on multiplication. Maybe the one that’s hardest for most people. Balance: Deep and wide. You cannot grow deep without growing wide. And if you’re just growing wide with no depth, are you really multiplying what you want? Because lots of things multiply, like cancer. Doesn’t mean it’s good.
Me: God, send more laborers into this harvest, into this mission field. Still praying fervently because we need more laborers. Encouragement – Over a dozen people, families like ours, praying about moving here. Some, I can’t share their names because I don’t want to start some crazy rumors. People we would be so excited about and would really change things. Good friends of ours. You and I need to pray for these kinds of people to be sent here.
But God convicted me – You’ve already got a good number of people at the church and the church is growing. They’re laborers too. AND every single person you reach with the gospel here in KL automatically becomes a missionary on the ground here. They don’t need to move to the other side of the world. So stop only asking for me to send people and be faithful in doing the work on the ground. OUCH. God smack upside the head.
Hearing me: YOU. Every member at this church on mission together. Every member living sent. Every week – You are loved and sent. Reminded of your identity in Jesus and then to go – to share the gospel and make disciples.
Eph. 3 14 For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, 16 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
First, that we would be filled with the fullness of Christ and understand his love for us. And then second, believing he is able to do far more than we can ever ask or imagine. That should get us excited. Because, I don’t know about you, but I feel like I can ask and imagine quite a bit. And God is telling us, he can do so much more.
If you’ve put your faith in Jesus – You have been saved, you have been gifted, you have been called to multiply. Without exception. No one gets a pass. No one is exempt. I don’t know how else I can say it.
Me? I’m not gifted. I’m not good with my words. I’m not … Stop making excuses for why God can’t use you. Stop depending on yourself and depend on God. Your weaknesses may be the very reason why God wants to use you.
Paul (1 Cor. 1-2) – No clever speech. Lest the gospel be emptied of its power. 1 Cor. 2 And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. 2 For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 3 And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, 4 and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, 5 so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
If you understand the gospel, you know everything you need to share with others. Listen, people aren’t going to just hear the gospel and be saved by accident or out of thin air. Someone has to tell them. You.
We all love to talk about the things we love. It’s natural to us. Me – Family. Food. Guitars. (First step – grow in your love for Jesus.)
Don’t know where to start? Already sent – Workplace, school, neighborhood. AND Kids – We don’t offer child care here. What we do offer is a place for our kids to hear the gospel and be discipled at a young age to love Jesus, his church, and his mission. We’re going to teach them that loving Jesus and following him is the most important thing in their lives. Basically all the same things you’re hearing in here just at a kids level. If you can learn to simply share so a kid can understand the gospel, you have the basis to share with anyone.
4. KL and the World – Where? Matt. 24 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
Our desire is to see all peoples and nations reached for Christ because he is worthy of them all. (Mt. 28:18-20, Phil. 2:5-11, Rev. 5:9-10, Rev. 21:22-26)
One of the great things about KL – the nations are here. We have access to people from so many nations that would be hard to reach because we’d have a hard time getting in and doing ministry there. And I don’t think that’s by accident. I know that many are here under not so ideal circumstances. But who knows if God has orchestrated the movement of peoples and nations here so that they might find him through his people, through churches like ours, in the city.
But that won’t keep us from going and sending people to other unreached and unengaged nations/peoples. The light shines brightest at home, in our church, and then into our city. Light – it goes out. We’re going to send people out to places and peoples that have no access to the gospel. We’re going to take mission trips. We’re going to plant churches here in KL and wherever else God opens up doors. And we’ll partner with other like minded churches and organizations to see that happen.
I’ve said this before – The fact that there are millions upon millions of people with little to no access to the gospel, they don’t know a Christian, they don’t know where a church is, and they aren’t on any church’s or believer’s radar to reach with the gospel, that should be completely unacceptable to us. God could use visions and dreams as he sometimes does, he could show up in the clouds with a booming voice from heaven for the entire world to hear, but his primary chosen method to get the gospel out to the world is through his people.
So the question that leaves for us is are we going to be faithful to God and his mission? Our church, Garden City Church exists to advance Christ’s kingdom through a gospel movement of disciple-making disciples in KL and the world.
This is why Jesus came…to advance his kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven, to redeem those who were dead in their sin back to himself. And he would do it through the gospel – his death, burial, and resurrection that took place in accordance with the scriptures and promises God made long ago. And those he redeemed out of the kingdom of darkness and into his marvelous light, are disciples he has commissioned to share the gospel and make more disciples to the ends of the earth so that all nations might be saved through him.
And that’s the work we are going to be faithful in doing here at Garden City.
Engage in God’s mission with us. Become a member here. Don’t just stay on the fringes. If you’re new here, that’s ok for a short time while you’re checking things out. But if you consider this your church home, your church family, then link arms with us. New member class today after service.
We’re so excited you’re here. You’re not here by accident. God desires to save you, to have a relationship with you. He sent Jesus to live the perfect life you could not live and die the death you deserve so you might be forgiven of your sins and find life in him. Receive the free gift…
Other videos in this series:
- January 12, 2025 – Garden City KL: Our Values
- January 26, 2025 – Garden City KL: Our Vision
- January 5, 2020 – Power To Change (1Corinthians 1:18, 1Corinthians 4:20)
- January 5, 2025 – Garden City KL: Our Name
- July 10, 2021 – Different Kind of Great (Matthew 5:17-20)
- June 30, 2024 – Moving Towards Restoration (Ezra)
- May 15, 2017 – Unstoppable Hunger
- November 10, 2024 – Your Role in God’s Mission (Romans 15:14-23)
- November 24, 2024 – God’s Inexpressible Gift (2 Corinthians 9:6-15)
- October 20, 2024 – Jesus’s Lasting Prayer (John 17)