This passage captures the birth of Jesus Christ and the profound significance it holds for everyone. We’ll explore how this event isn’t just a historical moment but a beacon of …
Our Terrible and Glorious Future (Isaiah 66)
Isaiah 66 is the final chapter of the book of Isaiah. Isaiah concludes much in the same way he started in chapter 1 emphasizing the problem with false worship and …
The Things God Says to Us (Isaiah 65)
In Isaiah 65, God responds to our cries for mercy. He tells us he doesn’t want our empty religion. But for those who love him and delight in his works, …
When God Comes Down (Isaiah 64)
In Isaiah 64, Isaiah longs for the presence of the Lord because he knows that only God saves sinners. And God will not hide his face forever. He will not …
Victory Assured (Isaiah 63)
How much different would life be if you knew that everything was going to work out for the best? Join us as we study Isaiah 63 and see how the …
Keep Watch for the Gospel’s Sake (Isaiah 62)
In Isaiah 62 God gives us a vision for our future with him. Jesus will take up the call to bring salvation. He will present the church in his righteousness. …
An Invitation to Celebrate (Isaiah 61)
In this week’s sermon, from Isaiah 61, God is reminding His people to rejoice in His plan of radical restoration and we are reminded of the ultimate cost of this …
The City of Light (Isaiah 60)
In Isaiah 60, the prophet envisions a day when the whole earth will be filled with the glory of God. As the church, we want to commit ourselves to this …
God’s Answer to Unanswered Prayer (Isaiah 59)
Isaiah 59 shows us how sin can affect our prayers and God’s work in our lives. And how God answers our prayers through Jesus.
Religious Practice as Coverup (Isaiah 58)
It can be easy to just go through the motions of being a Christian, but God calls us to so much more. Join us as we learn from Isaiah 58 …