Text: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15 – Your work matters to God. We often forget this as we rise early, fight through traffic, and then report to our bosses. Yet it is the …
7. Cultivating Habits in our Church Family
Text: Hebrews 3:12-13 – What are the habits needed to grow as a believer? It is correct to say read the Word, pray, and be obedient. But often we cultivate those …
6. Cultivating Habits of Obedience
Do we have to obey the Old Testament Law? 10 Commandments? Dietary Laws? Clothing? Tithing? Sabbath? Some answer saying that we are free under grace and don’t obey any of …
5. Cultivating Habits of Relationships
Too often we think the habits/disciplines that God expects of believers are individually focused. I am to pray. I am to read God’s Word. I am to tithe. While there …
4. Cultivating Habits of Prayer
Here is a stunning statistic: The average person says 15,000 words every day! If we wrote them all down, that would take up half of a book. Here’s a stunning …
3. Be Doers of God’s Word
As we ‘put on’ our new identity in Christ Jesus, we are told by Colossians 3:16 to “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.” What does it mean …
2. Habits of My New Identity
When we convert to be a follower of Christ, we are given a new identity. We are part of a new family, under the name of Jesus! When we believe …
1. Christ Dwelling In Your Heart
Text: Ephesians 3:14-21 – When begin to fully comprehend all God has for us, our motivations are transformed and lasting change can occur.