Resource by Peter Park If you have your Bibles…Turn to Mk. 5. Two stories are intertwined into one about two very different daughters, not biologically related, both have life changing …
“Four Heart Soils” (Mark 4:1-20)
Resource by Peter Park Continuing in our series, TWS. One of Jesus’ parables. (Parable – Earthly story with spiritual meaning.) Text: Mk. 4 1 Again he began to teach beside …
A Paralytic Forgiven (Mark 2:1-12)
Resource by Peter Park 5yrs old…family moved without me. RAIN. Strangers. Who knows where I’d be if not for them. We all need these kinds of people in our lives. …
Praying Like Jesus (Matthew 5-7)
Resource by Eric Weiner When you read through the gospels, have you ever noticed how polarizing Jesus’s teachings were? It’s almost like he’s separating out the wheat from the chaff …
Never Thirst Again (John 4)
Resource by Eric Weiner One of the things I love about the gospels is that they’re filled with stories of Jesus interacting with all kinds of people. Religious leaders. Social …
Identity Secured (Matthew 3-4)
Resource by Peter Park Identity Verification – PW, Fingerprint, Face. This morning, we’re in Matt. 3-4. Turn there in your bibles. Jesus’ identity is questioned. We’re going to briefly go …
Prepare the Way (Matthew 3)
Resource by Eric Weiner If you have a Bible this morning, I want to invite you to open to Matthew 3 as we look at the ministry of John the …
The History of Jesus (Matthew 1)
Resource by Eric Weiner Last week we said that God’s people had to wait 400 years between the close of the OT and the opening of the NT. But, you …
Everything Broken Will Heal (Malachi)
Resource by Eric Weiner Bob Dylan is exactly what you think of when you call someone a genius. God-given talent that he learned to wield like a superpower. Normally for …
The Power of Love (Hosea 3)
Resourced by Eric Weiner Love is a powerful thing. We all want to be loved. And we’ll even do crazy things in the name of love. But the reality is …