Advance the Gospel

We want to advance the Gospel in Malaysia, Southeast Asia and beyond, and become a regional hub, partner, and foundation with Gospel partners to spread God’s Word.

Our Unique Position

We are an International Church

Our congregation is represented by over 25 nationalities and we speak over 40 languages.

We are a Worshipping and Sending Church

We are passionate about fulfilling the Great Commission (Matt 28:16-20)

We are strategically placed to minister and disciple in an area with over half the world’s population, a large majority of which are non-believers.

Our Strategy

  • Resource, Train and Support a church plant in Kuala Lumpur

  • Develop a training program to train Christian workers from other South East Asian countries

  • Continue our first on-site training cohort

  • Take exploratory vision trips to look for new opportunities

  • Hire a regional development leader

How You Can Help

1 Pray

Ephesians 3:20-21 - Pray for wisdom God to work through this vision and for Harvest Bible Chapel KL as they prepare to make disciples and multiply churches.

2 Give

2 Corinthians 9:10 - Give generously and with your heart. Move forward through your sacrificial giving. Be thankful for what God has given you.

3 Go

Philippians 1:12 - Go out and make disciples. Get involved by joining us on a mission trip to go out and spread the good news.

4 Share

Psalms 96:3 - Encourage others to get involved and give. Promote God's work and His Word to those around you.

Make A Donation

Invest in things that moths don't eat, rust doesn't destroy, and thieves don't steal.

Financial Integrity

We take the financial integrity of this project very seriously. Through great planning and fiscal responsibility, we will protect your financial contribution with the utmost care. We will do our best throughout this campaign to provide up to date financials and progress. Transparency is important to us and we appreciate your generosity.