In News by Maryam Nejad

Dear Harvest KL family,


The government has imposed a 14-day Restricted Movement Order from March 18 to 31, 2020 nationwide to curb the spread of the Covid-19 infection in Malaysia. The Restricted Movement Order is imposed under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 as well as the Police Act 1967, which cover a range of activities. (Source: here from Monday, 16 March 2020 10:18pm) This order effectively closes all places of worship within the stated period.

Therefore, in compliance with this Order and joining hands in love for our neighbors in the battle against Covid-19, we now encourage all members to worship in their own homes (instead of gathering corporately) by viewing the upcoming services we will broadcast online. We encourage households to seize the opportunity to establish ‘household worship’ around these online services, held at the normal service time (Sundays at 10:30am).

We also encourage our Small Groups to continue to gather virtually, as much as possible at the usual time. In a time like this, we need to share love and care more than ever with one another and the people around us. To help small groups maintain a time of fellowship, we will prepare and circulate a guide that can be followed and used via digital technology.

The Order applies to all church activities (ex. Small groups, Care Ministry, all discipleship). We will pursue online alternatives to allow some of these activities to continue in a meaningful manner. More information will be available in the coming days.

The above will be in effect as per the Order, from 18 till 31 March 2020.

When many could be anxious and fearful, let us encourage one another by sharing what we are learning from God’s Word, remembering His character and faithfulness, praying for each other, and caring for each other’s needs as this beloved nation struggles under the pressures of Covid-19. Use your WhatsApp groups as a channel for Christ-honoring, God-trusting, Spirit-controlled encouragement. Make the most of the opportunities for the Gospel.

Be fervent in prayer, continuing to uphold the ones severely affected by this event, especially the medical personnel and those in position of leadership who are at the frontlines of this battle.

May the words of the Psalmist steady our hearts in minds:
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear though the earth gives way…
The Lord of hosts is with us…
Be still, and know that I am God.
The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Psalm 46 (vs. 1, 2, 7, 10, 11)

For the Elders of Harvest KL, 
Nate Newell

Other videos in this series: